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Watch Paul Cuisset - Creating FLASHBACK

Watch Paul Cuisset - Creating FLASHBACK

Paul Cuisset - Creating FLASHBACK

The Amiga Years - SPECIAL EDITION - EXTRAS ONLY! • 13m

Up Next in The Amiga Years - SPECIAL EDITION - EXTRAS ONLY!

  • Ron Gilbert - GAMES & LUCASFILM

    How did Ron Gilbert end up working with Lucasfilm on some of their greatest and most original titles in the mid 1980's and early 90's? Ron Gilbert tells all in this great film of games and the reaction to a George Lucas without a beard!

  • Anders Hansen - Creating DESERT DREAM

    Anders Hansen talks about how he came to create one of the most famous Amiga Demos of all time DESERT DREAM!


    The Amiga Demoscene is thoroughly featured in The Amiga Years Movie. This is a short sequence cut from the movie for running time reasons but offers more insight into other elements!